At the Adam Mickiewicz University, we have decided to implement the RiTE project at two levels – for initial teacher education (ITE) students and for PhD students who will have a teaching role at the University. We have redesigned teaching content and assignments in line with the theory and practice of evidence-based education (EBE). In addition, for ITE, we have provided an additional 10-hour course that focuses on EBE in order to allow students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of evidence-based practices. Students taking this course have been planning lessons on a topic of their choice. In order to plan effectively, students reviewed both the science literature and the science education literature
The process of redesigning the ITE course has involved the production of materials for teaching about critically reviewing the literature including worksheets and screenshots of research articles and model lesson plans. These resources can be used by for teachers, teacher educators and professional mentors in schools.
The PhD student class is starting in December 2021. We have redesigned the course so that EBE is implemented throughout.