The RiTE-project will be implemented into two master chemistry education courses at the chemistry department of Paderborn University. The focus of both courses will be on evidence and a critical handling of it. The students get confronted with a critical discussion of a study regarding medication for COVID-19. Through this discussion the nature of evidence and some quality criteria get developed. The following sequences focus on the way evidence could be found and generated. Therefore, some search skills for scientific databases and different study designs are discussed. The next steps differ a bit between both courses. In the first course (lesson study), the students have to design and conduct their own small-scale study. They have to search for instruments and implement them in a school setting. Afterwards they have to present their outcome on a scientific poster. Students in the second course (chemical education) have to develop a WebQuest regarding a sustainability topic. They work with the model of didactical reconstruction, where they have to include both scientific and pedagogical information. The WebQuest will be implemented in school and discussed in an oral exam at the end. Shortly after finishing both courses, the students will attain the in-service-training program, where the second phase of RiTE will be implemented.